
Thigh Lift

Enhance the shape and smoothness of your legs and thighs.

What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift, also referred to as a thighplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from your inner and outer thigh area. The surgery is designed to refine and reshape the appearance of your thighs. 

A thighplasty procedure effectively reduces excess skin, fat and inner thigh folds. This results in giving you slimmer, more youthful legs as well as often significantly improving comfort and mobility.


Experience the benefits:

  • Feel confident showing off your legs again! 

  • Remove stubborn fat.

  • Reduce sagging skin long-term.

  • Improve the shape of your legs.

  • Tighten and smooth the supportive tissue on the inner thigh and upper leg. 

  • Reduce thigh discomfort and rashing.

  • Make exercise more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • Reduce excess sweating.

  • Improve the appearance of upper legs to achieve a toned look.

During + After your Surgery

Anaesthesia Type

General Anaesthesia (patients are asleep).

Duration of Surgery

1-3 hours.


Patients go home the same day.

Length of Recovery

Patients should plan to take 1–2 weeks off for recovery and avoid strenuous activity for 6 weeks.

Post-Operative Medication

Non-prescribed medication as needed.

Final Results

Evident results will be apparent as swelling dissipates and full results are seen within a year.