Thigh Lift
Enhance the shape and smoothness of your legs and thighs.
What is a Thigh Lift?
A thigh lift, also referred to as a thighplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from your inner and outer thigh area. The surgery is designed to refine and reshape the appearance of your thighs.
A thighplasty procedure effectively reduces excess skin, fat and inner thigh folds. This results in giving you slimmer, more youthful legs as well as often significantly improving comfort and mobility.
During + After your Surgery
Anaesthesia Type
General Anaesthesia (patients are asleep).
Duration of Surgery
1-3 hours.
Patients go home the same day.
Length of Recovery
Patients should plan to take 1–2 weeks off for recovery and avoid strenuous activity for 6 weeks.
Post-Operative Medication
Non-prescribed medication as needed.
Final Results
Evident results will be apparent as swelling dissipates and full results are seen within a year.